Smuggler's Cove Aquathon
When: Sunday, 13 February 2022
Where: Smuggler’s Cove
Start time: 7am sharp
Cost: Free
Format: Swim + Run
Entry: Individual and/or team
Please message interest in advance if possible. Otherwise on the morning of the race - please arrive with sufficient time to register and set up.
Swim: 1.20km (2x loops of 600m) – clockwise direction
Transition: Smuggler’s Cove carpark
Run: 8.25km (3x loops of 2.75 km) – clockwise direction– hilly!

MARCH 27, 2021 EVENT
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Aquathon News & Past Events
New President & Race Calendar For 2021
After over a year of hibernation, the BVI Triathlon Federation has awoken from its slumber with a vengeance.
2020 Aquathon Series – Rafferty & Ruscheinski Strike First
The beautiful tranquil waters of Smuggler’s Cove greeted competitors for the first leg of the BVI Aquathon Series. With no teams present all competitors elected to take on the tough swim, run, swim, run course solo, intent on putting down an early marker in the three race challenge.
Deadman’s Decider
The cream of BVI aquathon gathered on Deadman’s Beach for the final race of the Aquathon Series on picture perfect Peter Island – the Peter Island-Athlon. With new faces mingling with series leaders an upset was on the cards.
Brewer’s Bruiser
Wild, wet and windy conditions at the Brewer’s Bay Aquathon saw the field slim down to the “diehards” of BVI aquathon with the testing encounter boiling down to intense duels between running queen Kay Reddy and newcomer Rachel Mayo Smith in the ladies event, and super tuff Adrian “John McClane” Dale and the Chorpedo, Antony Spencer.
Virgin Gorda Aquathon Moves To Tortola!
The Virgin Gorda Aquathon, taking place on October 16, will now be held at Brewer’s Bay, Tortola! The race, second event in the 2016 Aquathon Championships, will start at 4pm. A kids event will follow at 5.30pm.